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Textile Collection Review


The collection review for textiles allows the anticipation of any risks related to a particular product and the execution of the right tests depending on the compliance and functional risks levels. The Collection Review helps to understand the development challenges and to determine if there are any production or quality risks that need to be managed.

Why should someone test:

  • Compliance โ€“ making sure the product or material complies with mandatory market requirements
  • Meet end consumer expectation / customer satisfaction
  • Ensuring functionality of a product
  • Competitive edge on the market
  • Brand reputation


Our Solutions

  • Determine for each style the number and type of tests required, based on legal requirements and functionalities expected
  • Check style by style, that the suppliers are providing the tests, reports and certifications
  • Check the accuracy and results of the tests, reports and certifications
  • Synthetic summary provided by SgT, for each style
  • Management and storing of necessary document (TCF sheet + tests reports +Certificates) on a web platform, accessible anytime, anywhere
Textile Collection Review


Anticipate risks

Increased customer satisfaction

Maintain brand reputation