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REACH: Phthalates Restriction Extension in the EU


The European Union has made changes – effective as of July 7th, 2020 – to the scope of the Entry 51 of Annex XVII to REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.

The changes include:

Restricted Substances

Scope of Restriction

Current Entry 51

0.1% by weight of the plasticized material

Plasticized materials in toys and childcare articles

Revised Entry 51 as of July 7th 2020

DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP: <0.1% by weight of plasticized material (individually or in combination)

All articles containing plasticized materials (unless exceptions listed in paragraph 4*)


What are Plasticized Materials?


What Kind of Products Are Affected by These Changes?

Phthalates are used in hundreds of products that we use daily, including (but not limited to) toys, food packaging or personal care products such as nail polish, soaps and shampoos.

With regard to the textile industry, the following components or products might contain phthalates:

With the new REACH requirements, textile brands, retailers and manufacturers must ensure their products remain compliant. SgT offers a range of services including the testing of textiles, apparel and footwear products and accessories to ensure that they comply with REACH. Contact our experts today.



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