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How China is Becoming a Critical Sourcing Country

Today, we live in a fast-paced world where we have become accustomed to getting what we want, when we want it. Hungry? Quickly drive to the nearest fast food outlet and your food will be prepared within 7 minutes without you even having to get out of your car.

How Poor QMS Damages Your Brand and What To Do About It

In the apparel industry, your brand image is extremely important. Today’s consumer is very impressionable so in order for individuals to meet society’s standards, they’ll associate themselves with a brand.

The Top Five Clothing CSR Concerns for Consumers

Gone are the days where large organizations can get away with the manufacturing and production of products without their ecological footprint, labor working conditions and the general ethicacy of the fashion brand being watched.

The Hidden Costs of Internal Apparel Quality Management

In the apparel industry, effective quality management systems go hand in hand with a successful product and a competitive brand reputation. To achieve this, brands either work with quality specialists to outsource their quality management or choose to do it internally.

What to look for in an Apparel Quality Provider?

In our previous blog, we explored the benefits of outsourcing your textile quality management. Now, we want to help you determine what you should be looking for to achieve the very best quality results for your brand. 

Hire a Textile Quality Provider or Do it Yourself?

To hire a textile quality provider or to do it yourself, that is the question? Whether you’re a small, medium or large sized retailer, there are many benefits associated with hiring a textile quality provider, the main attraction being the cost benefits involved.

Specialized Textile Quality Provider vs. Generalist

Whether you’ve recently broken into the fashion industry or already established a well-known brand, the quality of your products can make or break your brand.

4 Reasons Your Brand Isn’t Achieving Its Apparel Quality Goals

Apparel quality is paramount for brands. It only takes one ‘bad batch’ to cause irreversible damage to your reputation. If this is the kind of scenario which keeps you up at night, explore these four potential causes of poor quality and our suggestions as to how you can mitigate or avoid them altogether.

Future of Sustainable Fashion: 6 Fabrics to Look Out For

Conventional cotton has thousands of uses. It can be found in clothes, most household items, padding for mattresses and even in plastic! But, despite its many uses, cotton is the culprit of brutal, destructive effects on our environment. Join us as we take a look at the consequences of cotton production on our planet and… Continue reading Future of Sustainable Fashion: 6 Fabrics to Look Out For

The State of Fashion: 2017 Apparel Industry Trends

According to the McKinsey Global Fashion Index, the global apparel market is estimated to be worth $2.7 trillion and is expected to grow to $285 billion in the USA, $440 billion in the EU and a staggering $540 billion in China.