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Modulate your quality budget to anticipate more risks

Current Situation:

While final inspections remain important in controlling product quality and safety, they do not help manufacturers and brands to be proactive in assessing the different risks their products could face along the supply chain.    


A lack of anticipation of potential risks at the various production stages can have major consequences such as: 

  •  Quality failures detected too late → higher production costs and wastage 
  •  Manufacturers missing the agreed delivery date  longer time to market


SgT Solution:

A modular approach focuses on prevention rather than reaction by allocating resource and budget to the products and suppliers most in need of technical support

The higher the risk to the product/supplier, the higher the level of control and monitoring required:

Implementing a modular approach to quality management is straightforward:

  • Empower manufacturers Identify risks at early stage
    → increase quality performance and on-time delivery
  • Minimize supply chain failure
    → optimize management costs
  • Empower manufacturers
    → make critical decisions with positive effects on your production

Our textile experts can help implement a modular approach to your quality management.


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